Tuesday 18th February 2025
The following amendments to the constitution and rules were passed (these amendments will take effect from January 1st 2010):
D6: revised as follows:
6.1 The President shall be the Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.
6.2 A Suffragan Bishop within the Diocese shall be a Vice-President
6.3 A member may be elected as a Vice-President at an AGM.
6.4 A non-member may be elected as a Patron at an AGM.
6.5 Patrons and Vice-Presidents shall hold office without re-election, but may be removed by a resolution at an AGM. Vice-Presidents elected under 6.3 shall cease to hold office if they cease to be a member of the Guild.
D7: delete "Vice-Presidents may be elected. Subscriptions and fees for the year beginning the following January shall be set at the AGM or a SGM".
[See H2 below]
D9: delete "to certify the accounts" and add "to act as Independent Examiner in accordance with The Charities Acts"
D10 (3rd line): delete "Certified".
E14: delete "applied to the work of the Guild in the restoration and maintenance of bells" and add "transferred to the Guild Restoration Fund"
F24: add "and the secretary shall maintain an up-to-date inventory of other Guild assets"
G 26.2 Delete "1 Jan following" and insert "the date given in the proposal"
H2 (2nd line after "year"): add "and shall be set at the preceding AGM, or a SGM".
K16 (3rd line): add "(including District)"
Handbell Regulations Delete 8 [duplication of 6]
New page added to the Minutes menu.