Tuesday 18th February 2025
The annual North West District Quarter Peal Week started on Easter Day with a quarter at Bardwell, and continued throughout the week with the usual enthusiasm from most parts of the District. As has become traditional, the QP 'Week' spilled over into 9 days, mainly because of the difficulties of getting bands together.
Several local bands got together to ring quarters, and in the process involved a good number of different ringers, several of whom do not ring quarters all that often. So overall, 18 quarters were rung, not nearly as many as in the previous two years but still a good total. I think it's fair to say that the huge numbers of previous QP Weeks might just possibly have reflected the presence of some young ringers with time on their hands in the school holidays, coupled with a keen interest in 3 and 4 bell towers. Not so this year when there are other projects and important exams are looming, but even so, a healthy and impressive number was achieved. A day of ringing on 11 April was as popular as ever, with 7 out of 8 attempts successful, and team spirit and mutual encouragement was nurtured over a convivial lunch at the Four Horseshoes in Thornham.
Conducting was shared among our 'regulars' - Alex, Louis, Lesley, Maurice, with guest appearance from David Howe, David Webb and Brian Whiting. I'd love to see more people willing to have a go at conducting, so congratulations are therefore due to Steve Munford who did exactly that and conducted his first quarter impeccably at Great Barton. We really do need more people to step forward as conductors - with a bit of guidance and a supportive band it is not so scary, so why not try?
It was great to see some of our newer ringers taking up the challenge of quarter peal ringing so congratulations to:
In the course of the week, quarters were also rung at towers without regular bands so I would like to thank Maureen Slinger in particular for her helpfulness with this and all the other people who care for the bells of North West Suffolk. And thank you to everyone who took part, and well done.
Ruth Suggett
Bardwell - 1344 Plain Bob Triples
Barrow - 1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor
Burwell - 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples
Fordham - 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
Buxhall - 1260 Single Canterbury Pleasure Bob Minor
Great Finborough - 1260 Doubles (1p/3m/2v)
Oakley - 1260 Grandsire Doubles
Palgrave - 1344 Plain Bob Triples
Rickinghall Superior - 1260 Plain Bob Minor
Thrandeston - 1260 Doubles (4m)
Wetherden - 1260 Stedman Doubles
Wickham Skeith - 1260 Doubles (Plain Bob & Grandsire)
Gislingham - 1260 Plain Bob Triples
Great Barton - 1260 Grandsire Doubles
Ixworth - 1250 Rutland Surprise Major
Rougham - 1260 Minor (2m: Kent TB and Single Oxford B)
Boxford - 1344 Plain Bob Triples
Old Newton - 1260 Doubles (3m)