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Sponsored Peal
Mandurah, Western Australia
5184 Second Chance Surprise Major

7th May, 2009

In case anyone was wondering, the peal at Mandurah was successful, not without a few scares along the way! Ardua molimur, as the Woodbridge peal board says, sed nulla nisi ardua virtus (those were the days when they knew their Ovid). The amount raised has not been finalised yet but is into four figures (sterling). The generosity of those who contributed is much appreciated and will be individually acknowledged.

10th April, 2009

Many Suffolk ringers will know Roger and Pat Lubbock, formerly of that county just north of the border, now resident in Western Australia. Roger had a brush with throat cancer a year or so ago, and is fortunately in remission though he now sports an impressive set of tribal scars and if anyone has any spare salivary glands he would like to be put in touch. Roger is organising a peal attempt on 2nd May at his home tower, Mandurah, of a new method to be called Second Chance Delight Major, and he proposes to dedicate it, if successful, to the surgeons, nurses and friends (that's us), whose skills, commitment and support were instrumental in giving Roger a second chance and to give hope and confidence to cancer sufferers everywhere. Roger has asked me to take part in the peal so I am flying down from Hong Kong.

Roger has also decided to sponsor the peal with the proceeds going to the Cancer Council Western Australia. The details of the peal attempt may be found here. If anyone who knows Roger and Pat would like to contribute but balks at the cost and hassle of sending sponsorship money overseas, I will gladly help by receiving pounds in England and paying the equivalent in Aussie dollars out of my Australian bank account at middle market rate (rather than the rates that banks will give). No fees or commission either (again unlike banks). Sorry there's no chance of Gift Aid though. Please if you are interested.

James Smith